2022-23 St. Johns Youth Basketball k-2nd Grade Registration
Registration is now open for k-2nd grade youth basketball. Deadline is December 3rd. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT!
Fee: 60.00 includes player’s jersey. Online registration only- no checks will be accepted.
K-2nd Information:
K: 6 weeks of skill sessions on Tuesdays.
1st grade: 6 weeks of skill sessions on Tuesdays and 2-3 Friday game sessions after Christmas break.
2nd grade: 6 weeks of skill sessions on Tuesdays and 2-3 Friday game sessions after Christmas break.
Important season dates: Season starts Tuesday, December 13th. We will have a break for Christmas and the season will finish Friday, February 3rd.
* The schedule will be sent after registration is complete.
* SJYAA is looking for lots of volunteers to help with k-2nd.
* SJYAA basketball K-2nd program is for Saint Johns School district kids.
Registration can be completed by clicking the link below:
St Johns Youth Athletic Association
Email aksshank@gmail.com with any questions.
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