Sea Lions Year End Awards

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The St. Johns Sea Lions held their year end banquet on Wednesday night recognizing all the hard work of the swimmers, coaches and volunteers.  This was the first banquet in two years and it was great to see such a large crowd gathered for the event.  Go Sea Lions!

Spring Session registration will start mid April.  Find out more at sjsealions.com
Photos: #Redwingfansubmitted by Glenn Armstrong

8 & Under Age Group

8 & Under Award Winners
Most Improved Runner Up: Trey Compau
Most Improved: Logan Brewbaker
Coaches Award: Cora Denovich
Swimmer of the Year Runner Up: Matthew Geers
Swimmer of the Year: Kate Murray

9-10 Age Group

9-10 Award Winners
Most Improved Runner Up: Abbie Hayden
Most Improved: Allanah LeVeck
Coaches Award: Davison Curtin (not pictured)
Swimmer of the Year Runner Up: Taylor Alexander
Swimmer of the Year: Liam Grams

11-12 Age Group

11-12 Award Winners
Most Improved Runner Up: Jesse Richards
Most Improved: Jacob Harter
Coaches Award: Jay LaCelle
Swimmer of the Year Runner Up: Sarah Harden
Swimmer of the Year: Marshall Hirschman

13 & Over Age Group

13 & Over Award Winners
Most Improved Runner Up: Amberlin Spousta
Most Improved: Dillon Voisinet
Coaches Award: Elizabeth Smith (not pictured)
Swimmer of the Year Runner Up: Luke Nurenberg (not pictured)
Swimmer of the Year: Alyvia Spousta

Andrew Nelson Memorial Award Winner – Sarah Harden
“The Sea Lion Andrew Nelson Award is such an honor. Andrew was a Sea Lion swimmer for many years and was a St. Johns Redwing High School swimmer. He joined the Army and was sadly killed in the line of duty on Christmas day 2006 in Baghdad Iraq. This award is in his honor. It has nothing to do with swimming ability but more to do with leadership. A person who cheers on their teammates, works hard in practice without sitting out sets, and is a person which others look up to. This young lady exhibits all of those traits and more. This year’s Andrew Nelson Memorial award goes to Sarah Harden.”

Fred Meyer Award Winner – Dillion Voisinet
“Our final award is the Fred Meyer Award. Fred was the founder and longtime coach of the Sea Lions. Coach Meyer instilled many values on his swimmers and this award recognized a swimmer who has exhibited those qualities. The award is given to a swimmer who works hard, is dedicated to swimming and is always looking for ways to improve. This swimmer doesn’t back down from a challenge and is always trying to get better. I look forward to watching this swimmer continue to improve and help the high school teams in the years to come. The Fred Meyer Award goes to Dillion Voisinet”

Sea Lions Swimmer Wins 3 MTSL State Championships

Sea Lions Swimmer Wins MTSL Gold in 100 Free

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