Redwing Swim and Dive Defeat Williamston 110-70 – Results and Photos

SJ Sports Page > Fall > Fall High School Sports > Girls Swim/Dive (HS) > Redwing Swim and Dive Defeat Williamston 110-70 – Results and Photos
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Combined Team Scores 

St Johns Highschool Girls 110 2. Williamston High School 70

#1 Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay 

1 STJN-MI A 2:18.21 8.0 Morrison, Mallory SO Hamelink, Emma SR Howell, Lillian FR Greider, Karissa FR 

2 WILL-D3 A 2:19.39 4.0 McElroy, Megan 12 Holden, Isabelle 10 Rosekrans, Lindee 10 Jackson, Kate 11 

3 WILL-D3 B 2:41.92 2.0 Laird, Renata 10 Huberts, Addie 09 Longendyke, Karslyn 12 O’Brien, Lily 09 

— STJN-MI B DQ Pagels, Elayna SR West, Averlin FR Thelen, Paige FR Harps, Jazmine JR 

#2 Girls 200 Yard Free 

1 Wesner, Gracie JR STJN-MI 2:22.63 6.0 

2 Agnew, Emma 12 WILL-D3 2:23.55 4.0 

3 Hartman, Ella 10 WILL-D3 2:34.24 3.0

4 Morrison, Mallory SO STJN-MI 2:35.00 2.0 

5 Brown, Alyssa 10 WILL-D3 2:45.84 1.0

6 Thelen, Paige FR STJN-MI 2:50.28 

#3 Girls 200 Yard IM 

1 Schaefer, Katarina FR STJN-MI 2:27.27 6.0 

2 Holden, Isabelle 10 WILL-D3 2:40.81 4.0 

3 Howell, Lillian FR STJN-MI 2:56.82 3.

4 Jeitschko, AJ 10 WILL-D3 2:58.82 2.0

5 Longendyke, Karslyn 12 WILL-D3 3:18.83 1.0 

#4 Girls 50 Yard Free 

1 Martens, Teagan SR STJN-MI 27.12 6.0 

2 Voisinet, Laney JR STJN-MI 27.45 4.0

3 Munro, Katrina SR STJN-MI 28.04 3.0

4 Rosekrans, Lindee 10 WILL-D3 30.06 2.0

5 Cowen, Clare 09 WILL-D3 32.48 1.0

6 Huberts, Addie 09 WILL-D3 32.92 

— Billings, Alyson FR STJN-MI X34.91

— West, Averlin FR STJN-MI X36.74

— Laird, Renata 10 WILL-D3 X37.87

— Pagels, Elayna SR STJN-MI X38.77

— Sterle, Emmaleigh STJN-MI X57.41 

#5 Girls 1 mtr Diving 

1 Smith, Ashlee JR STJN-MI 169.75 6.0

2 Spitzley, Hannah SR STJN-MI 164.45 4.0

3 Labean, Natalie FR STJN-MI 136.30 3.0

— Thelen, Katelyn SR STJN-MI SCR 

#6 Girls 100 Yard Fly 

 1 Martens, Teagan SR STJN-MI 1:08.82 6.0 

2 Holden, Isabelle 10 WILL-D3 1:12.57 4.0 

3 Howell, Lillian FR STJN-MI 1:18.93 3.0  

4 O’Brien, Lily 09 WILL-D3 1:33.57 2.0 

5 Cowen, Clare 09 WILL-D3 1:40.71 1.0 4

#7 Girls 100 Yard Free 

1 Schaefer, Katarina FR STJN-MI 59.03 6.0 

2 Voisinet, Laney JR STJN-MI 1:01.25 4.0 

3 McElroy, Megan 12 WILL-D3 1:03.64 3.0  

4 Hartman, Ella 10 WILL-D3 1:09.54 2.0

5 Jeitschko, AJ 10 WILL-D3 1:14.84 1.0 

— Brown, Alyssa 10 WILL-D3 X1:18.46 

— Harps, Jazmine JR STJN-MI X1:18.90 

— Longendyke, Karslyn 12 WILL-D3 X1:19.11 

— Billings, Alyson FR STJN-MI X1:20.59 

— West, Averlin FR STJN-MI X1:23.13 

— Sterle, Emmaleigh STJN-MI X1:47.99 

— Huberts, Addie 09 WILL-D3 SCR 

#8 Girls 500 Yard Free 

1 Agnew, Emma 12 WILL-D3 

2 Hamelink, Emma SR STJN-MI 6:49.92 4.0 

3 Jackson, Kate 11 WILL-D3 7:14.51 3.0  

4 Laird, Renata 10 WILL-D3 7:31.48 2.0 

#9 Girls 200 Yard Free Relay 

1 STJN-MI A 1:50.80 8.0 Schaefer, Katarina FR Munro, Katrina SR Voisinet, Laney JR Martens, Teagan SR 

2 STJN-MI B 2:14.76 4.0 Thelen, Paige FR Greider, Karissa FR Billings, Alyson FR Wesner, Gracie JR 

— STJN-MI C X2:33.51 Harps, Jazmine JR Sterle, Emmaleigh Pagels, Elayna SR West, Averlin FR 

 — STJN-MI D X2:43.62 Spitzley, Hannah SR Labean, Natalie FR Thelen, Katelyn SR Smith, Ashlee JR 

 — WILL-D3 A DQ Cowen, Clare 09 Jackson, Kate 11 Hartman, Ella 10 Agnew, Emma 12 

— WILL-D3 B DQ O’Brien, Lily 09 Jeitschko, AJ 10 Brown, Alyssa 10 Longendyke, Karslyn 1

#10 Girls 100 Yard Back 

1 McElroy, Megan 12 WILL-D3 1:14.20 6.0 

2 Rosekrans, Lindee 10 WILL-D3 1:18.51 4.0 

3 Morrison, Mallory SO STJN-MI 1:19.96 3.0 

4 Jeitschko, AJ 10 WILL-D3 1:21.29 2.0 

5 Greider, Karissa FR STJN-MI 1:23.46 1.0 

6 Thelen, Paige FR STJN-MI 1:31.37 

#11 Girls 100 Yard Breast 

1 Hamelink, Emma SR STJN-MI 1:22.20 6.0 

2 Wesner, Gracie JR STJN-MI 1:29.42 4.0 

3 Brown, Alyssa 10 WILL-D3 1:35.10 3.0 

4 Huberts, Addie 09 WILL-D3 1:35.58 2.0 

5 O’Brien, Lily 09 WILL-D3 1:41.85 1.0 

#12 Girls 400 Yard Free Relay 

1 STJN-MI A 4:11.42 8.0 Voisinet, Laney JR Munro, Katrina SR Schaefer, Katarina FR Martens, Teagan SR 

2 WILL-D3 A 4:38.51 4.0 Rosekrans, Lindee 10 Jackson, Kate 11 Holden, Isabelle 10 McElroy, Megan 12 

3 STJN-MI B 4:40.90 2.0 Howell, Lillian FR Morrison, Mallory SO Hamelink, Emma SR Wesner, Gracie JR 

4 WILL-D3 B 5:02.42 Hartman, Ella 10 Cowen, Clare 09 Laird, Renata 10 Agnew, Emma 12 


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