Swim/Dive (MS)

Swim/Dive (MS)

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Middle School Swim and Dive Team Recap

March 9, 2020

Middle School Swim and Dive Team Recap (2019-2020) By Tisha Schafer The 2019-2020 SJMS Swim and Dive Team saw much success this season and represented the community well. Thirty seven athletes participated this season (19 eighth graders, 10 seventh graders, 8 sixth graders). This season included 12 athletes participating in a swim meet for the…

Weekend Redwing Highlights

February 1, 2020

SJMS Swimmers at season ending MISCA meet SJHS Dance Team They made the finals at Nationals!  They advanced to the top 14 Large Varsity teams in the nation and will compete Sunday for a chance at the championship! SJHS Wrestling CJ Crum wins his 100th match! Sea Lions compete at Chesaning Invitational Results: https://www.sjsealions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Chesaning-Results.pdf  …