A Historic First in SJ Golf

SJ Sports Page > Fall > Fall High School Sports > Girls Golf (HS) > A Historic First in SJ Golf


Tuesday Lewis’s golf career began in the eighth grade.  Her father, a former St. Johns Redwing Golfer, had always hoped she would take up the game, but it wasn’t until sign-ups were offered in eighth grade lunch that she decided to give it a try.  She says she wasn’t good at first, but they kept hitting balls on the range and it just went from there.  As a Freshman at St. Johns High School, she averaged 132 for 18 holes during the season.  “I didn’t know what I was doing, I barely knew the rules.” By her Senior year, that average was down to an impressive 79.

Through the seasons, the scores kept coming down.  She participated in junior golf tournaments in the off season, she worked on her game.  She enjoyed the time together playing the game she loved with her friends and family.  In her junior year she was Medalist at the League Conference Meet.  Driven to take it to the next level in her senior year, she followed up that Conference win with a Regional Championship in 2019.  12 teams competed at the Regional Tournament, held at Mason’s El Dorado Golf Course.  Tuesday shot a 78 and became the first ever St. Johns Redwing girl to win the Regional Championship and the first ever to qualify for the State Tournament.  “My goal was to make it to States.”  Mission accomplished.

Through all the golf seasons, Tuesday also began to appreciate that it wasn’t just about winning and low scores in golf.  “I enjoy the social aspect of golf.  I met so many friends.  I have friends from Traverse City that I met when we played them.  In golf, you’re with the same people for 4 or more hours, so you kind of have to talk to them and that’s great for someone like me. I’ve met some of my best friends because of golf.”

As for her plans for the future, Tuesday and many of her friends from the girls team plan to once again participate and help coach the junior golf camps held each summer at the Emerald at Maple Creek Golf Course.  She enjoys helping to teach and encourage the next generation of kids about golf.   From there its off to College.  “I am considering playing golf at Alma College, but I want to go into nursing.  The nursing program is super hard, so I’m kind of leaning towards not playing golf and concentrating on the nursing program.  I still have a month to figure it all out.  Its between Alma College were I would golf and Ferris University where I wouldn’t.  They both have really good nursing programs.”

Tuesday Lewis went from having never picked up a club in 8th grade to being the first girls Regional Champion in St. Johns history.  Sometimes, all it takes is someone who believes in you.  She recalls the first week of her freshman year.  Coach Schultz was talking with then JV Coach Blink about which players they should take to the first tournament of the year.  “I think you should take Tuesday” she recalls Coach Blink saying, “She has a lot of drive and potential.”  As it turns out, he was right.

By SJSportspage.com
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