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Weekly Yoga Schedule
Turkey Trot Signup

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This event will be really fun. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. For the past several years, I’ve hosted the Sanborn family for an early Thanksgiving feast around 1pm. This means we wake up crazy early to prep – and you know, once you’re up you’re up. So when there have been breaks in the cooking, while the turkey roasts, Eric and I go for a run. It has become such a great tradition and start to our day. We love seeing others out and about – some running, some walking, some attempting to deep fry a turkey – all anticipating a day of reconnecting with loved ones.

COVID has thrown every single plan we’ve made for a loop this year – so, we’re trying to make new traditions and find the joy in this changing world. The Turkey Trot offers a chance to be together as a community – in a safe way – doing something healthy and joyful. Anyone who has ever participated in a race knows the amazing energy race day brings… we think this day will be even more special because it is Thanksgiving and because of the challenges of 2020.
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